EdCamp Leadership 2014
EdCamp Leadership 2014
Philadelphia, PA
The annual unconference for K-12 school leaders. Join hundreds of current and proespective school leaders sharing innovative leadership strategies, ideas and challenges for a day of connected teaching, learning and leadership. Ideas for Admin Teams: Before purchasing your ticket(s), ask your adm…
Monday, August 4 2014
8:00 AM
3:30 PM
Int'l #EdCampLdr 2016
Int'l #EdCampLdr 2016
differs each state, PA
Once again Penn's Mid-Career Doctoral Program in Ed Leadership (@MCDPEL) is facilitating a one day multi-location, International EdCamp Leadership event. This annual unconference is aimed for K-12 school, teacher and community leaders in public and private settings. Last year, over 1,800 leaders …
Mon, Jul 11 2016
8:00 AM
Wed, Jul 13 2016
4:00 PM
#NCE16 EdCamp
#NCE16 EdCamp
Phoenix, AZ
Schedule: 4:00pm-5:15pm - Networking 5:30pm-6:00pm - Schedule Building/Groundrules6:10pm-6:55pm - Session #17:00pm-7:40pm - Session #27:45pm-8:15pm - Session #38:20pm - Reflection & Wrap Up Social to follow! Stay tuned... What is EdCamp? Edcamp events bring together K–12 educators for colla…
Friday, February 12 2016
5:30 PM
8:00 PM
EdCamp Leadership 2015 (multi-location)
EdCamp Leadership 2015 (multi-location)
Philadelphia, PA
*NEW for 2015* We're organizing a ONE DAY multi-location EdCamp Leadership event. The cities above have committed to hosting their own event on July 13, 2015. If your city is not listed but you have an organizing team willing to host, please reach out to Joe Mazza at mazzajos@gse.upenn.edu to be a…
Monday, July 13 2015
8:00 AM
3:30 PM
EdCamp #NAESP16
EdCamp #NAESP16
Fort Washington, MD
What is EdCamp? Edcamp events bring together K–12 educators for collaboration and learning. The first-ever NAESP National Conference Edcamp will provide three hours of relationship-based learning and collaboration. In sticking with the core beliefs of EdCamp, there will be no preset agenda. Attend…
Tuesday, July 5 2016
1:30 PM
4:30 PM
Edcamp Leadership 2013
Edcamp Leadership 2013
Union, NJ
An unconference for K-12 school leaders.
Monday, August 12 2013
8:00 AM
3:30 PM
Edcamp Leadership
Edcamp Leadership
Monroe Township, NJ
An unconference for school leaders.
Thursday, July 26 2012
8:00 AM
3:00 PM